久久精品A popular anchorwoman, Jaime Douglas is stalked by an obsessed fan with a camera who wants more than just her picture.
久久精品A popular anchorwoman, Jaime Douglas is stalked by an obsessed fan with a camera who wants more than just her picture.
回复 :美丽的女囚林叶加代(吉永小百合 饰)在潮湿的牢房中打点好妆容,开始前往绞刑架,路上一幕幕往事浮现……1955年春天,加代因青年警察桥本(三浦友和 饰)的瞩目被善妒的退伍兵丈夫殴打,桥本趁机占有了加代的身体,又唆使她将丈夫毒杀。与加代同居的桥本依靠对方的资助赴东京求学,返乡时却带回了年轻的情人幸子。悲痛欲绝的加代与幸子背井离乡,靠防线手艺生活,得以结识大和阁浴场主人福见,占有欲强烈的福见对加代一见钟情,连累加代被自己妻子斥责,而一直暗恋加代的丑陋杂役塔伯亦在此地出现,不久一系列凶杀发生在加代身边,从故乡赶来的警察将目标对准了加代……本片根据真实社会事件改编。
回复 :Paris, the 1980s. Three students decide to celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. But something, someone, is hunting them. Trapped deep underground, the group needs to get out before it's too late...
回复 :两个妙龄少女德蒂拉和兰尼的母亲快要入狱了,为了见母亲最后一面,两人毅然选择了劫持一辆火车,来拯救这个家庭!入围圣丹斯电影节NEXT单元