洗冤A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
洗冤A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
回复 :一伙恐怖分子袭击体育场,而拯救的任务却落到一个在现场的退役军人身上。
回复 :故事讲述了风靡十年的超人气热血IP《排球少年!!》中人气最高、最精彩绝伦的垃圾场决战。日向翔阳因为心怀成为“排球小巨人”的梦想加入了乌野高中排球部,逐渐成为独当一面的副攻手。春季高中排球比赛上,乌野高中排球部终于迎来了与音驹高中排球部的正式比赛。同为“没落的豪强”,两支队伍惺惺相惜,却从未站上过同一场正式较量的舞台。长久的纠葛终于迎来了结,一场“只有一次”的命运对决即将开幕!振翅一击吧,心怀梦想的少年们!
回复 :根据乌克兰同名小说改编。少年维塔亚被吸入了1000年前的天门,要返回现世,必须获取佩龙之心,召唤神的力量,但是佩龙之心却被万恶的库曼族抢走。他们招出了石头巨人,欲统治世界……