回复 :Episode 1 - The Eternity RingMI5 suspects British atomic research has been infiltrated, and ask Foyle to investigate whether a Russian spy network could be at work in the heart of London.Episode 2 - The CageFoyle’s investigation into the death of a nameless Russian leads to a mysterious military facility and the discovery that the victim was a spy with dangerous connections to British intelligence.Episode 3 - SunflowerProfessor Peter Van Haren gives a lecture to a group of students on the self-portraits of the artist Rembrandt and causes a young man to suffer a frightening flashback which ends in tragedy.
回复 :总裁穿著外卖服去相亲「物不物质,我随便试试就知道」
回复 :香港法证部高级化验师高安(黄浩然饰)、法医科高级医生闻家希(李施嬅饰)、西九龙重案组高級督察郭辉煌(谭俊彦饰),这「灭罪铁三角」带领着精英团队,用专业的法证科学,揭示惊人的预谋策划;用精密的法医知识,破解隐蔽的人体密码;用严谨的执法精神,披露震撼的罪恶真相!热血记者徐意(汤洛雯饰),童年憾事竟与高安紧扣牵连;法证专才水慧明(陈炜饰),遭至爱背叛顿成杀人疑凶;警队精英高靖(朱晨丽饰),锲而不舍追寻亲人被诱拐真相......谜团奇案,重重交错;冷血凶徒,幕幕惊心!人在做,天在看!「灭罪铁三角」坚守「邪不胜正,恶不抵善」的信念,誓为死者发声,替生者雪冤!