回复 :With no immediate family to live for, Joseph is haunted by a past he has tried, for decades, to forget - if not actively obscure with drink and drugs. Suffering the hangover from hell - the dry spell over - he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront hazy, fear-inducing memories from a childhood spent in the care system that he's had to forget. Emotionally and physically wrecked, Joseph reunites with an incredulous Anna (Helen Behan, This is England '88 and '90), the sister he hasn't seen since childhood. Anna persuades her wary husband Michael (Frank Laverty; Michael Collins) to let Joseph stay and give him work in the family-owned building company. There, Joseph is forced to directly confront the demons of his past when he comes face to face with Craigy (Mark O'Halloran), a shadowy figure who is dogged by dark rumors, and who won't leave Joseph alone. Joseph's precarious family reunion is further complicated when he is immediately drawn to ...
回复 :该剧讲述一个男人为了筹钱而说谎,并因为那个谎言把他爱的女人逼到绝境,同时因为那个谎言伤害了爱他的男人的故事。
回复 :2020年,紫禁城迎来六百岁的生日。为让更多的观众了解如何通过传统技艺修缮紫禁城的古建筑,故宫博物院策划制作了以表现“官式古建筑营造技艺”为主要内容的8集系列微视频《八大作》。通过每集5分钟左右的内容,向观众呈现土作、石作、搭材作、木作、瓦作、油作、彩画作、裱糊作的“八大作”在紫禁城中建造和修缮中的工艺技法和应用实践,以此展示作为非物质文化遗产的“八大作”工艺之精、技艺之美、传承之序,呈现紫禁城六百年的营缮之道。