超现A Lappish girl, the only daughter of a reindeer herder, rescues a crashed German fighter pilot during WW2. The two develop warm feelings for each other during his convalescence.
超现A Lappish girl, the only daughter of a reindeer herder, rescues a crashed German fighter pilot during WW2. The two develop warm feelings for each other during his convalescence.
回复 :六名童年时被天主教神职人员性侵的男子走到一起,开展一个受戏剧治疗启发的实验。他们根据记忆、梦境和经历创造了虚构的场景,意在探索教会的仪式、文化和等级制度,以及这些因素如何导致他们在被虐待时无人吱声。
回复 :苟友为了赢得女神毛毛的芳心,反对情敌胡朋的建设糠醛厂计划,苟友心中的女神毛毛费尽心机,逼迫苟友将手里的赞成票投给胡朋,胡朋以为这下一路绿灯了。但苟友还有‘杀手锏’,盐碱地里有一座孤坟,那是苟友的祖太爷的坟,苟友宁死不肯迁坟。而此时另一方——日本友人樱木晴子介入此事,她借由开发水田为由掩盖自己寻找其曾祖、侵华日军的军犬训导师樱木宗胜的军犬的坟墓。樱木晴子千方百计想把狗骨头弄到手,但都失败了。直到她看到了苟友……
回复 :Semih's girlfriend suddenly breaks up with him. In search of answers about their relationship, he must soon confront what he had long ignored.