回复 :Bulletproof follows two cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivations and emotional lives outside the police force differ as a result: Pike is an aspirational family man, the son of a decorated police officer who's determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but not be in his shadow. Bishop grew up in care homes and on the streets, and never knew his father. Despite these differences Bishop and Pike are bonded by the same moral code and work brilliantly well together even when the chemistry between them looks set to explode.
回复 :原来顺风顺水的银行职员樫村(仲村亨 饰)因为银行合并,命运发生转变,他辞去银行的工作,毅然接受投资公司老板山本(大谷亮平 饰)的委托,担任一家饮食集团的CFO,着手重建工作。
回复 :出生在都柏林的Tom Whyte年幼时随父母搬到了英格兰。本想靠摄影闯出一片天地的他,如今只能依靠妻子Elaine外出打工供养一家。如今40岁的Tom只能留守家中做全职煮夫,照顾两个孩子。Tom的爸妈也放心不下这个儿子,也隔三差五的来家里瞧瞧。而且Tom的好朋友Roddy也是经常过来为这本来就多姿多彩的生活添油加醋。