出差British detective inspector Kris Marshall is assigned to investigate a murder on the paradise island of Saint-Marie in the Caribbean.
出差British detective inspector Kris Marshall is assigned to investigate a murder on the paradise island of Saint-Marie in the Caribbean.
回复 :
回复 :Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his stepsister.
回复 :李恩朗(胡鸿钧 饰)是一个再平凡不过的年轻人,他和赵卓颖(刘佩玥 饰)相识相知相恋最终携手步入婚姻的殿堂。李恩朗每天朝九晚五上班下班雷打不动,离开公司便返回家中和爱妻共度温馨的两人世界,从未有过变故。两人的婚姻虽然平淡反复,却令两人感到深深的满足和享受。圣诞节将至,李恩朗带着妻子前往商场,想选购一些圣诞节的礼物,然而意外发生了,和蔼可亲的圣诞老人忽然露出狰狞的面目,掳走了赵卓颖。劫匪说李恩朗私吞了一大笔钱财,让他在七十二小时内必须交还,不然就要了结赵卓颖的性命,面对这天方夜谭一样的剧情,向来胆小怕事的李恩朗会如何反应呢?