线综合Raquel and Ares are in a long-distance relationship. They finally reunite during summer on the landscapes of Costa Brava with their friends, Raquel and Ares begin to question whether their relationship can endure the test of time.
线综合Raquel and Ares are in a long-distance relationship. They finally reunite during summer on the landscapes of Costa Brava with their friends, Raquel and Ares begin to question whether their relationship can endure the test of time.
回复 :Phoebe and fellow American Julian Peters meet in Rome, find a lost dog, and agree to return it to Monte Carlo to split the five thousand dollar reward. Discovering the dog's owner dead, they panic and become fugitives. Other victims of misfortune also become suspects, as the plot twists and luck and judgment desert everyone.
回复 :一名自助瘾君子在不知情的生活教练的陪伴下,不知不觉中发现自己正在疯狂杀戮。
回复 :二次世界大战期间,拥有“马来之虎”称号的日本南方作战总司令山下奉文曾在东南亚叱咤风云,战时他在当地大肆搜刮钱财。随着日本投降,始终下落不明的“山下黄金”也成为寻宝者趋之若鹜的对象。这一天,某企业总裁的公子哥沃伦带着日本学者理绘(水野美纪 饰)、前英国军人斯坦利(Sam Hazeldine 饰)登陆印尼某小岛。此前他曾从苏门答腊搞到一张地图,地图上的标示令他确信“山下黄金”正藏在这座岛上。虽然有当地雇佣军的保护,可是他们突然遭到一伙不明身份军人的袭击。仓皇之中,这群探险者躲进日军修筑的基地,而这里便是731部队的卫星控制中心。在深锁长达半个世纪的地下迷宫,等待这群人的将是前所未有的恐怖……