一位母亲在女儿被杀害后,亚洲利用社交网站 MySpace 调查她怀疑的凶手,这一举动在多个家庭中激起千层浪。
一位母亲在女儿被杀害后,亚洲利用社交网站 MySpace 调查她怀疑的凶手,这一举动在多个家庭中激起千层浪。
回复 :麦克马丁一家人世代经营着一家学龄前儿童学校,在当地非常的有名望。一天,一位学生的家长来到了警察局,控告学校里的老师威胁了她年仅2岁半的儿子。这通控告立刻引起了警方的重视,并且在当地产生了轰动的效应。学校里的另一些学生家长,也被要求询问他们的孩子是否受到了同样的对待。然而,由于这些孩子的年龄实在是太小了,询问并没有得到什么成效,于是,孩子们被带到了一家儿童心理治疗中心,去接受进一步的调查。结果令人震惊,在工作人员的“循循善诱”下,越来越多的孩子承认遭遇了猥亵,麦克马丁一家人立刻遭到了逮捕,然而,事件的真相真的如此的不堪吗?
回复 :This riveting documentary, "Black Panthers - Huey!", directed by French filmmaker Agnes Varda transports you to the pivotal Free Huey rally held on February 17th, 1968 (Newton's birthday), at Oakland Auditorium in Alameda, California. Newton, the charismatic young college student who, along with Bobby Seale, created the Black Panther Party, had been jailed for allegedly killing a police officer. His arrest--widely believed at the time to be a setup--galvanized Party support throughout the nation and led to a boom in Party membership, bringing a new level of public attention to the Panthers' cause. Over 5,000 people attended the rally, which featured Party leaders and guest speakers including Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, James Forman, Bob Avakian, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown and Ron Dellums. Through stark un-editorialized footage, this documentary chronicles the speakers outlining the Party's platform goals, their strategies for freeing Newton from jail and more.
回复 :東京五輪から18年後の夏、転校生・佐和子は、入部した水泳部員のちえみとチャコと親しくなるが、自身の出生の真実を知る教師を目の前で殺され、口を閉ざして姿を消す。