Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
回复 :To penetrate a gang exploiting illegal Mexican farmworkers smuggled into California (and leaving no live witnesses), Mexican federal agent Pablo Rodriguez poses as an ignorant bracero, while his American counterpart Jack Bearnes works from outside. Soon, both are in deadly danger from the ringleader, sinister rancher Owen Parkson, and find night on the farm to be full of shadowy film-noir menace...
回复 :1938年,武汉沦陷前夕,传奇狙击手左英杰率小队拼死阻击,一战成名。不料事后却遭小人构陷含冤入狱,女特工沈雪在狱中找到昔日战场英雄并授予一项绝密刺杀任务。左英杰临危受命,不料行动伊始便遭遇宿敌日军王牌狙击手下川国正伏击,身陷险境。惊天阴谋逐渐浮出水面,国恨家仇、狭路相逢,巅峰对决一触即发……
回复 :故事发生在战乱时的宁城,日本人横行驻扎,老百姓水生火热。热血青年和隐藏身份的共产党员们寻找潜伏在敌军中的高官“白狼”,揪出内鬼共同制敌的故事。