回复 :同志伴侣 Freddy 和 Mo,渴望拥有自己的孩子,只好求助于他们的好友Polly。Freddy 是艺术家,近作全都跟BB有关,恨小朋友恨到发烧。Polly也一直想怀孕,自然不介意帮忙。唯一是Mo对这个安排还有少许保留。过程期间,邻居开始滋扰他们,危机逐渐迫近,结局意想不到。柏林首映震撼全球,结局更令观众议论纷纷。勇夺第65届柏林影展泰迪熊奖最佳同志电影,大胆踩界探讨生命意义。
回复 :Netflix出品的纪录片,聚焦贾老板此前在拉斯维加斯的一场演唱会的台前幕后,那场是他当初横跨两年的巡回演唱之旅的最后一站。
回复 :Now come into his full knowledge and power, the Anti-Christ in the body of Damien Thorne is about to strike his final blow. The Christ-child has been born again, on the Angel Isle, Great Britain (Scotland, England & Wales). The plan is simple, kill the Christ child to prevent him from growing up to bring the return of Christ and death of the Anti-Christ.