回复 :A festive holiday special, hosted by Tituss Burgess, featuring teams from around the world transported to a magical snowy village, Snowdome, and thrown into a spirited competition to compete for the title of Best in Snow. With the help of Snowdome's finest carvers, teams will transform their 10-foot, 20-ton blocks of snow into beautiful creations inspired by Pixar, Marvel, Walt Disney Animation, Walt Disney Studios and The Muppets Studio. The teams will take family favorites such as Moana, Coco and The Lion King, and bring the characters to life in a way you've never seen before in snow. Spectacular snow sculptures and lively musical performances from Tituss Burgess, Kermit the Frog and DCappella make this an action-packed winter event for the entire family.
回复 :《妻子的浪漫旅行6 PDvlog》,透过PD视角挖掘最真实最有趣的夫妇未播小花絮,哪一对是你心目中的最佳拍档?快来PDvlog里发现浪漫吧!
回复 : 《节气唱游记》巧妙地将音乐与节气相结合,通过音乐「听见·节气」,感受时节律感,唱享四季之声,展现中国节气的独特魅力。本期节目主题为:游子与归家·冬至唤起的家乡记忆。作为节气文化唱游人的蜜蜂和春花,他们一南一北,选择冬至来到安徽这个又南又北的地方,共话南北节气文化的差异与融合。