丛林Set in the scenic Sila plateau in Italy’s Southern Calabria region, “Home Education” revolves around a family that are followers of an esoteric cult and live in a secluded house deep in the woods.
丛林Set in the scenic Sila plateau in Italy’s Southern Calabria region, “Home Education” revolves around a family that are followers of an esoteric cult and live in a secluded house deep in the woods.
回复 :没落的护龙一族最后血脉封易凡,意外吞下了祖传秘宝九龙混天珠,神奇的诞下天赋异禀的龙九子,九子生便能语,各有不同,传说得此九人血肉炼化合一便可获得永生,于是遭到多方邪恶势力觊觎,由此一家人踏上了爆笑的逃亡之旅,逃亡途中经历生离死别让一家人得到了成长,也让天赋异禀的九子明白每个人存在的责任与使命,最终齐心协力守护人间。
回复 :A group of teenagers decide to take a vacation at the beach house of one of their fathers. The kid whose father owns the house just happened to accidentally kill his mother when he was a child. When they get to the house, the father has mysteriously disappeared.
回复 :故事发生在位于婆罗洲的原始丛林中,比尔(约翰尼·梅辛纳 Johnny Messner 饰)带领着他的探险小队穿行于其中,寻找着一种名为“血兰”的珍稀植物。在记载中,血兰拥有着能够使人长生不老的神秘力量,“几乎从未有人获得过它”的传闻也令血兰逐渐成为了传说。这一次,受一家著名的医药公司所托,比尔一行人决定揭开血兰的神秘面纱。在离目标越来越近的同时,危险也不期而至。血兰的力量没有使人类返老还童,却将一群蛇类变得凶猛而恐怖,为了挪动巨大的身体,它们不得不吃下比以往多达数倍的食物,而此时冒昧来访的人类,成为了它们最好的猎物。一边是丛林中恶劣的生态环境,一边是穷凶极恶的食人恶兽,同伴们一个接着一个的悲惨死去,比尔最终能够自保,并且挽救更多的生命吗?