回复 :珍妮(杰西卡·瑞恩 Jessica Raine 饰)是一名初出茅庐的年轻护士,怀揣着对未来和职业的美好幻想,她千里迢迢来到了自己未来的工作地点,而始料未及的是,到达目的地后,展现在她眼前的,竟然是一间修道院。小小的诧异只维持了片刻,在依文洁琳修女(帕姆·费里斯 Pam Ferris 饰)和莫妮卡修女(朱迪·帕瑞福特 Judy Parfitt 饰)的帮助和陪伴下,珍妮很快就熟悉了工作环境和新的生活。随着时间的推移,珍妮即将迎来自己入职以来的第一个挑战——护理一名因摔倒而导致了早产的女子。珍妮能够完成如此艰巨的任务吗?她在修道院里又会遇见怎样的人和事呢?
回复 :Barnaby and DS Ben Jones investigate the death of Simon Bright who is found dead inside an old World War II vintage Humber parked at an abandoned airfield. From all appearances, the death appears to be a suicide, but the pathologist determines that the man suffered a severe blow to the dead and may in fact have been unconscious when he died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Simon Bright's girlfriend, Laura Sharp, is nowhere to be found, but the death of the aging village Lothario and the attempted murder of another of her friends narrows the list of possible murderers somewhat. Barnaby is convinced that one of Laura's ex-lovers is responsible but given her rather active life, the question becomes which one?
回复 :柳惠灿(朴善英 饰)的丈夫江尚永(刘秀荣 饰)是在国内人气极高的超级巨星,照理说,身为江尚永的妻子,柳惠灿应该感到十分幸福才对,可是,大脑结构奇葩的柳惠灿竟然将此作为了她要求离婚的理由。无奈之下,江尚永只得同意的妻子的请求。让江尚永没有想到的是,刚刚离婚没多久,柳惠灿就不幸地遭遇了车祸。江尚永赶到了医院,却得知柳惠灿竟然因为脑部受到了撞击而失去了18岁到29岁的记忆,也就是说,如今已经29岁的柳惠灿,她的思维和记忆依然停留在18岁的那一年。面对如此糟糕的情况,爱妻心切的江尚永决定暂时向社会隐瞒妻子失忆的消息,夫妻两人重新住到了同一屋檐下。