午夜The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
午夜The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
回复 :《银行家》改编自真实故事,上世纪五十年代,黑人企业家Bernard Garrett(麦凯 饰)和Joe Morris(杰克逊 饰)受制于当时的种族限制,事业发展受到影响。不得已他们想出奇招,雇佣白人Matt Steiner(霍尔特 饰)来扮演他们所拥有的产业帝国的老大,而Garrett则装作是门房,Morris假扮司机。此外尼娅·朗在片中饰演Garrett的妻子,她将发挥关键作用。但就在他们的产业帝国越发壮大之视,他们的招数面临暴露的危险 。
回复 :亚瑟国王死后,卡米洛特陷入了黑暗之中。现在,他残忍的魔女姐姐摩根亚的统治开始了。她指挥着三条致命的龙,追捕剩下的圆桌骑士。
回复 :一普通医生某天晚上喝醉后,自己家门牌被人故意整错,无意间躺在一对杀手的屋子里,而此时这对杀手正在密谋一件事情。为防万一,男杀手决定除掉他以免后患,但是出于同情心,女杀手就决定将其收留在家里,早上将其送出门时候被医生女友珊珊看见,珊珊怒气而走。医生回家却意外在门口发现一个盒子,十根金条放在门口盒子内,飞来的是一笔横财还是一场横祸?金钱,爱情,生命,孰轻孰重?一个门牌怎样改变了四个人的命运?