回复 :The Congo: more powerful and dangerous than any other river, yet a sanctuary and home for some of the most wonderful creatures on our Earth.Wild Congo follows the second largest river on Earth from its source in Zambia on its journey through marshland areas and rainforests.The Congo's journey stretches over a distance of 5,000 kilometres, starting as a small stream and developing into a raging river that engulfs everything in its path.Biologists consider it to be the cradle of evolution: an experimental location for the emergence of new species!The shoebill, elephant fish and blind eel are just a few examples of the wildlife of the Congo and its astounding ability to adapt.Being separated by the water masses of the Congo River has also enabled our closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos, to develop completely different social systems, with violence and oppression reigning on...
回复 :讲述了在轮福特镇上,生活着各种格样的摩托车。瑞奇和他的小伙伴洛普、思库星、迪杰组成了“摩托冲冲队”他们在帮助别人的同时一起克服了诸多困难,朝着自己伟大的梦想出发。作为全球第一个为学龄前儿童打造的摩托车动画,故事内容聚焦孩子的日常生活,围绕友谊、亲情、冒险、梦想、成长展开……
回复 :由搜狐视频出品,作家丁丁张担当窥察者的女性都会感情窥察真人秀《送一百位女孩回家》发布新春特辑概念海报,并且定档1月11日起每周三、五18:00在搜狐视频全网独播。丁丁张将携手新春特别嘉宾一同归家团聚。