DI Humphrey Goodman and the team are left stumped in the first episode of the new series when millionaire environmentalist and scientist Dan Hagen is shot on his boat while out at sea.
DI Humphrey Goodman and the team are left stumped in the first episode of the new series when millionaire environmentalist and scientist Dan Hagen is shot on his boat while out at sea.
回复 :《致所有愛過的人》(原名《禍後》),該劇由林文龍及黃翠如主演,劇中亦有連詩雅、黃嘉樂、馬貫東、謝芷倫、麥皓兒以及顧定軒等人參加。
回复 :女人剛离婚就出车祸,醒來后失去五年的记忆...
回复 :孤女儿(黎美娴)为救落难父亲,受尽警官与黑帮头子蹂躝,幸得好友文(林文龙)冒死相救。二人偷渡至港,文不幸被警方逮捕,儿承诺等他出狱,怎知噩秏传来,文在服刑期间死去。儿悲痛,惟有独自面对将来,却邂逅了探长俊(方中信)。因俊及下属柱(魏骏杰)与过江探长坤发生冲突,坤将儿掳去作威胁,俊独闯虎穴把儿救回,二人由此种下情缘。后俊接手调查连串杀人事件,竟发现杀手原来是文!文、俊、儿相遇,三人六目交投,儿思潮激荡,究竟她如何面对昔日承诺的爱,及今日眼前的爱人呢?