日韩Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them what is in the basement may well change their lives forever.
日韩Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them what is in the basement may well change their lives forever.
回复 : 3년 내내 돈 주고 몸 주고 마음 줬던 남자친구에게 갑작스런 이별통보. 이별의 아픔을 치유하기 위해 민정은 여행을 떠난다.
回复 :五十年前,东海边的一个小渔镇出了两只妖怪,鸳怪和鸯妖。 为了修成人形,吃人无数。八仙降世伏妖,不料被鸯妖所逃,为后世遗留祸患。五十年后的八仙镇风波四起,阴时生人竟成为祭祀活物,河中妖物伺机而动,全城百姓人心惶惶 。他们是一群不起眼的市井凡人,坑蒙拐骗不学无术。当骗子遇上捕快,本应该是正邪不两立的他们,竟因一场闹剧结伴而行,演绎一场假冒八仙的欢喜闹剧。半仙老头表面贪财无度,实则他师承捉妖天师,背负救世重任,收集百家之金只为修铸降魔杵,以化解人间浩劫。鸯妖复活亡夫心切,百姓惨遭毒手,横尸街头。假冒八仙的骗子们的幡然醒悟,本可以一走了之的他们,抛下唾手可及的财富,单枪匹马以肉身为盾,付诸一战。性命垂危之时,幸而真八仙相助,铲除妖物,八仙镇重回安宁,他们的故事便被百姓传颂,奉为佳话,得“小八仙”之称。
回复 :After receiving a mysterious letter, a woman travels to a desolate island town and soon becomes trapped in a nightmare.