叶子(马頔 饰)是一个80后的摇滚青年,薄暮整天过着纸醉金迷、薄暮醉生梦死的日子,他每天放荡形骇,却不愿与正常人为伍,他认为常人过于庸俗物质。他唯一的生活来源是跟纪录片爰好者王小师(王佳杰 饰)在剧组干剧务,干点搬搬扛扛的粗活,领取一点微薄的酬金,闲暇时间则与医生大钊(张硕 饰)、民工申夜(宋冬野 饰)在一起厮混。有次酒后断片,他结识了白富美王紫菲(肖珊 饰),缠缅一阵后很觉无聊,感觉这并不是他想要的生活......本片改编自小说《那些人五人六的日子》。
叶子(马頔 饰)是一个80后的摇滚青年,薄暮整天过着纸醉金迷、薄暮醉生梦死的日子,他每天放荡形骇,却不愿与正常人为伍,他认为常人过于庸俗物质。他唯一的生活来源是跟纪录片爰好者王小师(王佳杰 饰)在剧组干剧务,干点搬搬扛扛的粗活,领取一点微薄的酬金,闲暇时间则与医生大钊(张硕 饰)、民工申夜(宋冬野 饰)在一起厮混。有次酒后断片,他结识了白富美王紫菲(肖珊 饰),缠缅一阵后很觉无聊,感觉这并不是他想要的生活......本片改编自小说《那些人五人六的日子》。
回复 :拉尔菲是一名优步司机,也是一名有抱负的健美运动员,他即将身为人父,然而缺少经济保障和工作不稳定影响着他的世界观。当他被拉入一个充满阳刚崇拜的小圈子后,内心的恶魔终于浮出水面,当他被压抑的欲望被唤醒时,他被引入了一种自由意志主义的男性崇拜中,失去了对现实的掌控。
回复 :影片讲述了三个不同年龄段的人孤独的故事。
回复 :Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European First Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who, in the aftermath of a recent tragedy, leaves to get away from it all in his chalet in the Italian Alps, a place of passage for migrants looking to cross the border between Italy and France. Samuel is nonplussed by the anger of those living in his village, who organise hunts in the mountains to track the migrants. One night, he comes across Chehreh who has fled her war-torn country for France. Faced with her distress, Samuel decides to help her make the crossing, telling himself it will only take a few hours.