回复 :故事紧接上集发展。除掉魔尊后,日童(郭晋安 饰)同裘菁菁(杨羚 饰)结为连理,可是,成亲当天,裘菁菁却被河妖捉走,尽管幸免于难,脚上却多了一个会越变越大最终危及性命的金锁。为了救妻子,日童和月童(张卫健 饰)再度踏上了旅途,寻找可以破开金锁的金斧。途中,两人结识了名为段飞(吴启明 饰)的男子,三人之间结下了坚实的友谊。寻得了金斧,两人却意外放出了妖王(罗莽 饰),之后,月童和段飞均爱上了名为小蝶(刘玉翠 饰)的美丽女子,两人因此而决裂。其实,小蝶的真实身份为雀妖,在一番波折之后,她终于与月童走到了一起,正当两人沉浸在幸福之中时,段飞却杀了他们一个措手不及。
回复 :The story opens in Balochistan, in a small, scarcely ‘wired’ village bordering Iran and Afghanistan. Ahmad is an idealistic teacher in exile, educating the local community; his partner Haseeba, however, has spent time in jail in Tehran for the very same offence against the State. The disaccord between them is not only social but also personal. Ahmad's destiny collides with that of a family fleeing the Taliban; soon the intricate divisions of age and gender within that group will trigger other problems and entanglements – including a 'lovers on the run' intrigue that fleetingly recalls Murnau's classic Tabu (1931).Across all the arresting, shifting peripeteia of its plot, Abbas Amini's film deftly dramatises the complicated question of commitment: do we commit ourselves to a political cause, a set of religious beliefs, or a person? And how do we negotiate the commitments of others, even those closest to us, when they are based on a very different value system?With its sparse music score, densely naturalistic acting and unostentatious camera work, Endless Borders is almost a minimalistic suspense thriller (with Hitchcockian overtones), combined with a heated family melodrama – but it never loses sight of the serious and extremely timely issues that it raises.源自:https://iffr.com/en/iffr/2023/films/endless-borders
回复 :该片描述中国远征军入缅作战。1941年,日本横扫东南亚的阴谋昭然若揭,半壁沉陷的 中国连接外界的唯一通道滇缅公路岌岌可危!蒋介石紧急召见滇军中将段仲仪(张丰毅饰),令其负责与盟国指挥层的军事协调。段仲仪积极参与缅战策划,其家儿 女纷纷走上抗日战场浴血奋战,九死一生,驱逐倭寇于国门之外,谱写了一曲可歌可泣的英雄中华儿女痛击外侮,为国捐躯的壮丽篇章。