回复 :该片由5个短片构成,米克·加里斯(《恐怖大师》《伦敦狼女》)、乔·丹特(《天堂执法者》《活埋前女友》)、大卫·斯雷德(《水果硬糖》《暮光之城3》)、北村龙平(《无人生还》《午夜食人列车》)、 Alejandro Brugués(《僵尸胡安》《杀出个黎明》)分别执导5段。
回复 :强强对话,以“嘴”服人!谈判专家卓文伟(刘青云 饰)意外成为一桩命案的头号嫌犯,被逼无奈下他占领警署挟持警察作人质,并指定前谈判专家谢家俊(吴镇宇 饰)与自己对话。擅长攻心的谢家俊与技巧高超的卓文伟反复拉锯,唇枪舌战间,两人的立场与心态逐渐发生改变……本片改编自美国电影《王牌对王牌》。
回复 :After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly.Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s supervisor have cooked up a horrifyingly depraved conspiracy that endangers both the young and the old…