回复 :Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraft in his house, and he decides to destroy all of them. His wife gets scared and advises him that he destroyed all the protection their home and lives had against the evil of envious and wicked persons, including some of his colleagues. Norman in principle does not have faith in her, but many strange events happen with him, and he changes his mind
回复 :Five years after his first documentary, award-winning producer/director Torsten Hoffmann revisits Bitcoin and sets out to explore the evolution of the blockchain industry and its new promise. Can this technology, designed to operate independent of trust and within a decentralized network, really provide a robust alternative to the Internet as we know it?
回复 :故事开始于一间寻常的绑架事件。美丽的Jessie与她有虐待狂的弟弟Alan,还有Eddy,绑架了刚放学的16岁女孩Candy,把她拉到一座小山坡并埋在地下,接下来该做的事是向Candy的继父Avery——一位钻石商人索要赎金。但剧情在这里发生里逆转,有两件事是三名绑匪预料不到的。第一件是,Avery并不关心Candy的死活,得知女儿被绑架后仍然与情妇约会,对于他来说,如果女儿不幸遇难,他将得到上百万美元的保险赔偿,杀了Candy反而是帮了他,虽然Jessie通过关系买了一只从尸体上切下的耳朵做要挟,但仍无法威胁Avery。第二件出乎意料的事情是,在埋Candy的时候,一切都被藏匿在路边草丛里的才几岁大的小男孩Sean看到了,但是他却是一个失声的儿童,谁会相信他呢?