春暖A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent And what is going to happen when the two fall in love
春暖A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent And what is going to happen when the two fall in love
回复 :When Bosnian-born Aisha and cameraman Elias team up to shoot a documentary on the mysterious disappearance of Aisha's brother, they cross paths with another film crew, who are creating an even more sinister narrative.
回复 :一个有抱负的时装设计师努力寻找成功和爱。 这个故事总是在每年同一天切入她的生活:她的生日。
回复 :狂风暴雨之夜,一个小家庭迎来了新生命。当这对父母尚未品尝到幸福的果实时,悲剧不期而至。母亲在亲吻新生儿之后突然暴毙,父亲在舔过婴儿用过的奶瓶后也莫名死亡。美丽的护士林囡(阎青 饰)可怜这个小男孩,于是将其带回家抚养。她很快发现,父亲(高明 饰)饲养的小宠物也都相继猝死。 通过对男孩三三(吴博 饰)的研究得知,由于他的父母常年在化工厂工作,他们的体内郁结了大量的有毒物质,最终导致三三从降生起变成了体含剧毒的毒娃。每逢暴雨之日,三三体内的毒性就会增强,他的身体也会随之成长。他的毒性越来越强,开始有无辜之人因此丧命。三三痛苦不堪,他的人生注定是一场悲剧……