回复 :鬼手神医隱藏身份入贅慕家,只是因为大小姐曾救过我的命!沒想到大婚当天却出了意外,可慕家这群白眼狼已经在瓜分家产了!为了守护住媳妇,我势必要展示出我的无上医术了!
回复 :千金大小姐竟出手三千万和男人結婚半年,只因稳住家里公司,沒想到我的假老公竟是真财阀公子? !
回复 :Jimmy is the only man who, after his divorce, still has to deal with his disapproving, meddling mother-in-law. When his ex-wife volunteers to go to east Africa to help the victims of a natural disaster, weekend-dad Jimmy agrees to take care of their two teenage kids full time in an attempt to win her back!很好笑的英国喜剧