回复 :Director YOON Seongho was offered to make this film because the indie-sitcom was too big to be seen on a computer. It had to be seen bigger in a feature film. It contains his confession-like dialogue and cold, sharp introspection.
回复 :杨雄(淳于珊珊 饰)供职蓟州监狱,与开肉铺的石秀(孟飞 饰)是结拜兄弟,他因公务缠身很少回家,妻子巧云(温碧霞 饰)不守妇道,竟打起小叔子石秀主意,但石秀深知礼仪廉耻严辞拒绝。寂寞难耐的巧云趁烧香之际,与寺院法师裴如海(谭俏 饰)勾搭成奸,此事被石秀发现,他决心捉住这个道貌岸然的奸人。杨雄发现狱中有刀下买人的嫌疑,经查,操作此事的竟是岳父潘公(刘永 饰),石秀劝兄长暂切忍隐不发,先解决自家后院起火之事。杨雄闻言妻子红杏出墙,当下与其理论,不料巧云胡搅蛮缠反咬石秀一口,不明就里的杨雄当下跟兄弟翻脸。石秀为讨还清白决定捉奸成双......本片根据《水浒》故事改编。
回复 :Loosely based on Kathryn Forbes' book -Mama's Bank Account-, this film actually contains richer detail and more intricate character- izations. In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, young Katrina Hansen chronicles episodes of life with her extended family, who combine traditional Norwegian values with modern American ways. So successful that it became a popular radio show, and then a TV sitcom, both with Barbara BelGeddes and Irene Dunne from the film.