资源站A lawyer, Klaus Burg and his teenage daughter have been relocated to a remote Icelandic village, after entering the Witness Protection Program.
资源站A lawyer, Klaus Burg and his teenage daughter have been relocated to a remote Icelandic village, after entering the Witness Protection Program.
回复 :皮埃尔(丹尼尔·奥图 Daniel Auteuil 饰)和安妮(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)结婚数年,两人共同养育着他们的孩子,一家人看上去生活在幸福和美满之中,但是实际上,真相却要残忍的多。近日里,安妮的表现越来越奇怪,她避免和皮埃尔进行任何的身体接触,整日里心不在焉的不知道在想些什么,这引起了皮埃尔的警觉。终于,安妮向皮埃尔坦白,说她爱上了另一个男人。皮埃尔深爱着安妮,决定不逼迫她做出任何的决定,但他的内心里却是痛苦和煎熬的。安妮频繁的外出,去和她深爱的男人约会,这令皮埃尔渐渐变得暴躁起来,夫妻两人之间的关系可谓是千钧一发。
回复 :一个持枪女人的儿子在后世界末日的未来被新纳粹冲浪朋克谋杀,他的妈妈为了复仇而追捕他们...
回复 :Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.