命运门剧Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obsessed with beautifying his victims.
命运门剧Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obsessed with beautifying his victims.
回复 :二战末期,德国军人科利基文斯(米高·文度 Michael Mendl)在战争中沦为战俘,被处以25年的刑期,而此时他怀孕的妻子和女儿则完全没有他的消息,只能求神保佑他还能活着回来。经过漫长的跋涉,一行战俘被送到了一个劳改场,那里没有围墙也没有栅栏,然而极度的严寒和千里冰原则成了难以逾越的屏障。这里位于西伯利亚东部,初到之时,由于天气和疾病,很多人都不幸死去,然而非人的矿工生活,才是真正的炼狱。科利基文斯从来没有忘记远方的亲人,一次失败的逃亡让他饱受看守的虐待,然而这却更加坚定了他要逃出这里的决心。后来在年迈的医生的帮助下,科利基文斯才得以逃离劳改场,从此获得回家的希望。可是在他面前的,将是长达14000公里的“死亡之地”,在被积雪覆盖的千里冰原,科利孤身一开始了漫长的回家之路……本片曾获多项国际大奖,其情节源自一个真实的逃亡故事。
回复 :Five carpoolers travel in a motorhome to reach a common destination. Night falls, and to avoid a dead animal carcass, they crash into a tree. When they come to their senses, they find themselves in the middle of nowhere. The road they were traveling on has disappeared and there is only a dense, impenetrable forest and a wooden house in the middle of a clearing, which they discover is the home of a spine-chilling cult.
回复 :新搬来的公寓这家人是母亲惠子(You饰)带着四个孩子:明(柳乐优弥饰)、京子、茂、雪。但母亲却得对周围的人们撒谎说丈夫去海外工作,自己与长子两个人在一起生活。事实是其它三名弟妹是“黑孩子”,因为四个孩子有着各自不同的父亲。他们一直呆在家中,没有去学校上学。在母亲去百货商店工作时,年纪尚小的明就在家中代替母亲行使家长的职责。突然有一天母亲不见了,她把手中仅有的20万日元现金和一张短短的便条留给了孩子们,把弟妹托付给明看管后,就悄然地离家出走。无亲无故,对外面几乎一无所知的四个孩子们,要开始面对新的生活,那实在不是件容易的事情……