春暖A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened by it. Will Vijay Salgaonkar be able to protect his family this time?
春暖A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened by it. Will Vijay Salgaonkar be able to protect his family this time?
回复 :拍摄外星人入侵题材的电影无外乎从两方面入手:要么笔调轻快,要么手法沉重。其中并无捷径可寻,也不可能草草绕过了事。但遗憾的是《外太空杀人小丑》仍然试图寻找一条中庸之道,于是他们选中了“马戏团”这个中介。想象一下所谓的惊天大阴谋就是一群穿着小丑服的外星侏儒在地球上大肆破坏,用激光射线枪把人类变成喷喷香闪闪亮的棉花糖——除了让人眼花缭乱一番之外,恐怕很少有人能真正进入情节并真正理解。实际上《外太空杀人小丑》是一部具有强烈超现实主义风格的影片,几乎没有什么娱乐性,核心题材也不那么拿人眼球,所以有点不太容易令你坐下来,安安稳稳地把电影看完。而对于大多数人来说,如果一部关于外星小丑的电影拍的一点也不滑稽,那还有什么可看的呢?不过幸运的是,在后来的一大堆类似题材的电影中,这一部算是优秀的了。
回复 :在一所严格的女子学校发生了一场神秘的大火,火势无法控制。现在每个人的疑问是:这是意外,还是有人纵火?
回复 :Malina wakes up disoriented in the trunk of a speeding car and discovers to her horror that she is missing more than her memory. With her mobile phone as the only link to the outside world, she wages a desperate battle for survival.