回复 :Hugely successful British comedy about of two streetwise London brothers: Del (Derek) and Rodney Trotter. In early years they shared their council flat with 'Grandad' (until the death of actor 'Lennard Pierce' ) later to be replaced by 'Uncle Albert', a WWII Navy veteran with an anecdote for any occasion. Del and Rodney are best described as lovable and harmless black market traders; they buy and (try to) sell almost anything and many an episode is based around some faulty/stolen stock bought by Del. As with other comedies from writer John Sullivan, the humor is devilishly engineered so as not to telegraph the jokes before the punchlines and there's always a strong cast of support characters. The series has won countless awards and ratings battles.
回复 :少年平安(梁靖康 饰)患有自闭症,因自己身上显露的运动天赋在羽毛球运动中获得肯定,在与弟弟子豪(祝子杰 饰)的合作中不断成长。小娜(杨超越 饰)是羽毛球馆的打工少女,性格俏皮开朗,与兄弟二人关系亲近,对子豪暗生情愫。然而成长的道路上没有一帆风顺,当兄弟二人身处运动生涯抉择的岔路口,当三人背后家庭的连结浮出水面,一场冲突与救赎的温情治愈故事就此展开。“不感谢苦难,只感谢有你陪伴。”
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