春暖Vasu, a young medico, after rescuing one of his patients from a murder attempt finds out that his pregnant wife is abducted, and the kidnappers demand the patient he saved in exchange for her safety.
春暖Vasu, a young medico, after rescuing one of his patients from a murder attempt finds out that his pregnant wife is abducted, and the kidnappers demand the patient he saved in exchange for her safety.
回复 :冷战时,全球两大特工组织——俄罗斯“中心”与英国“圆场”明争暗斗。特工遇害,高层震怒,责成“圆场”挖出“地鼠”。怀疑对象共有5人,即圆场上任“老总”命名的锅匠,裁缝,士兵,穷人,乞丐。其中,金盆洗手的“乞丐”乔治·史迈利(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)本来有重大嫌疑。某日,行动组-剥头皮组头目的彼得·吉勒姆(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)与英国内阁办公室谍报总监拉康排除了史迈利的嫌疑,令其重新出山,负责挖出“地鼠”。于是,史迈利开始分别走访故人,调查“圆场”老大阿勒莱恩,裁缝-比尔·海顿(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰),士兵-掌管东欧事务的资深间谍罗埃·布兰德,穷人-后勤部门点路灯组组长托比·伊斯特哈斯。一时间,圆场疑云密布,人人自危,究竟谁才是“地鼠”……本片本片根据约翰·勒卡雷的同名小说改编。片名来自英国民间的“鹅妈妈童谣集”。
回复 :本片主要讲述松鹿乡马莲坡村艰巨的精准扶贫工作,松鹿乡马莲坡村贫困面大,上、下坡村共用马莲河水,多年争水结怨。村书记马兰从贫困户盛盛着手,以滚灯作为突破点,开展盐碱地治理、咸水养鱼,建成了新农村,实现脱贫摘帽。马莲村更美了,马莲河更清了,松鹿山更绿了。
回复 :Peter Fonda is a commercial director going through a bitter divorce, so he decides to take an LSD trip...