泰国经典三段式恐怖片,亚洲区故事根据宋干节前后三天11 12 13分别出演了三个不同的故事。
泰国经典三段式恐怖片,亚洲区故事根据宋干节前后三天11 12 13分别出演了三个不同的故事。
回复 :四名富家子为了营救其中一人被绑架勒索的妹妹,竟然合谋绑架了当地的黑道老大,将他放置在另一不知情好友父亲的渡假别墅中,然后肋迫他运用黑道力量打听到绑架的歹徒,并付出二百万美元赎金。不料整个绑架事件竟是一个精心圈套,真相在最后才揭穿。类似本片的剧情架构在美国的独立制片中常被采用,但本片编导仍成功地掌控了老大与富家子之间的心理角力游戏,利用“绑架案有内奸”的秘密信息引起几个好友之间的互相猜疑,从而使后半段的发展显得峰迥回路转。而老大的手下和绑匪这两组黑道搭档则明显有昆汀泰伦提诺式的饶舌和搞笑作风。克里斯多夫毕肯演出处变不惊的老大游刃有余,几名富家子则由亨利汤玛斯领军。
回复 :这部作品最特别的在于整个故事是以赫拉巴尔的童年经历为蓝本,他小时候家里有座自营的啤酒厂,母亲迷人大方,父亲勤劳内向,平和的家庭却因为叔叔宛如不速之客的介入,而起了波澜 ...... 一部充满诗意、想像、幽默与捷克啤酒金黄魅力的杰出喜剧。伊利曼佐一向被公认为是最擅长改编捷 克文豪拉拔尔作品的导演,包括【严密监视的列车】、【失翼灵雀】等,两人一共合作了五部作品。拉拔尔擅以幽默俚俗的语调来呈现人民的性格,融政治历史**讽喻于其中。
回复 :This French family film is filled with action, animals, adventure, and suspense. The story is told from a child's viewpoint. One day, while playing in his secret tree house in the forest, 11-year old Antoine spies upon bank robbers stashing 40-million francs worth of loot. One of the robbers is the father of his newest best friend Lisa, a 10-year old Canadian visitor. Not wanting to rat on her father, Antoine instead moves the money to a different spot. Neither he, nor Lisa have a lot of respect for their frequently absent fathers. They find adults to be inherently hypocritical. Both kids do share a love of animals though. Together, they decide to run away to Biarritz, a resort town, and start spending a little money. The thieves are livid when they discover their stash is missing, particularly Max, and they try, unsuccessfully to catch the kids. Antoine is assisted by his muscular governess Clemence as he and Lisa suffer through numerous narrow escapes while spending their ill-gotten gain. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide