回复 :根据真实故事改编,聚焦2009年“气候门”事件主角,世界知名的气候学研究专家菲利普·琼斯。
回复 :This three part documentary series chronicles never before seen footage & stories of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s journey from rural Austria to the highest echelons of the American dream. In the series, there’s unprecedented access to the most candid interviews from Schwarzenegger, his friends, foes, co-stars and observers. We see many talk about his days pumping iron to his triumphs in Hollywood, all the way to his time governing the state of California. The joys and the turbulence of his family life are unveiled in a tale that matches his larger-than-life persona.
回复 :《谍海群英会》是一部电影,影片以第二次世界大战为背景,讲述了一个孤胆英雄英国间谍奎勒只身和德国纳粹残余斗争的勇闯虎穴、智斗群魔式的故事,主人公具有007的个人英雄主义,情节惊险、悬疑、趣味十足,是间谍片里的经典之作。曾荣获英国电影学院奖最佳影片、最佳编剧、最佳男主角、最佳摄影、最佳服装等多项提名。