回复 :这部恐怖剧集根据2006年的一本小说改编,描述了一间鬼屋的故事。Tom Ellis和Suranne Jones在该剧中扮演一对夫妻,孩子失踪一年之后,他们搬到一栋名叫「克里克雷公寓」的大宅里开始新生活,然而他们很快发现屋里另有「住户」。Maisie Williams和Sarah Smart联合主演。
回复 :Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie. But there's a reason these cops are in this force. As the never ending rabble off the local estates pours in, Inspector Vivienne Deering, the station's sharp, funny and hard-as-they-come boss, and her team led by DC Dinah Kowalski and DC Joy Freers, show they have what it takes to crack crime and to expose the addled, the swanky, the pimps, the petty and the really proper nasty bastards for the sewer rats they are.
回复 :纣王(达奇 饰)荒淫无度,竟在拜祭女娲娘娘庙时轻薄女娲娘娘金身,引起女娲大怒,于是冥冥中安排了妖狐前来颠覆纣王江山。妖狐杀死了被选送入宫的美女妲己(傅艺伟 饰),并上了她的身,从此商朝永无安宁。纣王十分宠幸妲己,对她言听计从。妲己说要吃比干(计镇华 饰)的玲珑七窍心,纣王就命比干挖出来,忠臣比干就此冤死;妲己要造酒池肉林,一具具年轻的生命就此惨死;甚至一旁规劝的姜皇后(卢玲 饰)亦不能幸免遇难。幸好两个皇子逃跑时得仙人相救才幸免。周文王顺应天时,招兵买马,准备讨伐这个无道昏君;姜子牙时运不济,后被文王所聘,为伐纣的最高统帅,一场战争无可避免。