国产Emma Bovary is bored by her country doctor husband and gives in to the affections of several rich suitors as well as the temptation of living beyond her husband's means.
国产Emma Bovary is bored by her country doctor husband and gives in to the affections of several rich suitors as well as the temptation of living beyond her husband's means.
回复 :四年前,丈夫Martin(查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰)的入狱让Emily(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)陷入了忧郁之中。如今Martin出狱了,Emily的忧郁并没有减少,反而企图在停车场开车自杀。自杀未遂后,医生Jon(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)开始对她进行治疗。Jon了解到Emily以前的医生是Siebert,便找Siebert了解了一些情况。Jon给Emily开了几种治忧郁症的药,似乎都没作用。Emily提出让她服用一种叫Ablixa的药,是她的同事Julia向她推荐的。服用了这种新药之后,Emily病情有所好转,却开始梦游。Jon告诉她,梦游是服用这种药的副作用。一天晚上,Martin回到家中,发现Emily在厨房梦游,Emily更拿着刀刺中了Martin。Martin死亡,法院判处Emily无罪,但她必须在一个精神病院接受治疗。Jon因为此事也陷入漩涡之中,他开始调查起整个杀人事件的前因后果,发现此事并非只是Emily服用了药产生副作用那么简单,还有更多人牵涉其中......
回复 :电影讲述08年美国大选期间,美国加州通过了一项极具争议的8号提案,8号提案将婚姻权界定为仅限于一男一女的婚姻,使加州同志群体丧失了4个月前刚刚获得的合法婚姻权。随后为了争取婚姻平等,两对最普通的加州同性伴侣与8号提案的支持者就8号提案是否违宪开始了一场法庭上的长期战役。影片用5年的时间拍摄,对于美国的司法体系制度和上诉最高法院这神秘的历程做了前所未有的深刻披露。
回复 :A cinematic homage to Peter Rice, one of the most distinguished engineers of the late 20th century. Tracing Rice's extraordinary life and career, from his Dundalk childhood to his work on the Sydney Opera House,The Pompidou Centre and the Lloyd's Building, to his untimely death in 1992, Marcus Robinson uses stunning time-lapse photography and revealing interviews to tell the story of a genius who stood in the shadow of architectural icons. Until now.