回复 :刚和男友分⼿的小雾,因一笔意外的稿费而在北京胡同里租了一套房⼦,期待⾃己⼀个人的世界。不料母亲因无法与家中的⽼人相处,搬来与她同住。奇特的战争开始了。 每天⼀睁眼,在屋子的每⼀个角落,母亲荒谬的生活规则与偏执的行为方式折磨着小雾。小雾也被母亲的思维逻辑潜移默化的影响着。两个极度缺乏安全感的女人,在饭桌, 尿盆,碗筷中互相攻击,防御。在战争高潮,她们已无法面对彼此。母女各自开始了一场恋爱,获得了暂时的平衡, 但最终都失败了。
回复 :公益院线电影《我是谁的宝贝》是由郑国霖、程皓枫主演,影片主要以关爱空巢老人、自闭症儿童为核心理念贯穿全剧,以郑国霖饰演的赵毅为自闭症爱女寻狗为线索,反映的社会问题引人深思,意在通过郑国霖饰演的赵毅给大众传递正能量。
回复 :In a small town located in the island of Mallorca, Anna and Marina, two sisters who were separated when they were teenagers, meet again to sell a bakery they’ve inherited from a mysterious woman they know nothing about.The two sisters have led very different lives. Anna has barely left the island and is unhappily married to a man she no longer loves. Marina travels the world working as a doctor for an NGO. As the sisters try to uncover the secrets hidden behind their enigmatic benefactor and her property, they are forced to confront old family disputes and make up for lost time.