回复 :恶霸奸人坚(黄子华 饰)是广州旗下街的一霸,他虽然不学无术,但仗着奸诈的脑袋,多年来聚集起一众无赖,横行旗下街。这日奸人坚打着“打败广东十虎黄麒英”的招牌招摇过市时,被初来广州的黄飞鸿(林嘉华 饰)见到,为了帮父亲出口气,飞鸿教训了奸人坚一顿,令奸人坚好不丢脸。随后,奸人坚为了争回一口气,偷走了飞鸿父亲黄麒英的神位,并在再次挑战飞鸿时用它来作挡箭牌威胁他,终于打败了飞鸿出了一口恶气,而飞鸿则被众人认为是懦夫。警察厅厅长认为旗下街的一间姑婆屋档了他的官运,欲除之而后快,于是找来奸人坚帮他去收回姑婆屋。姑婆屋的主人是刚才南洋归来的阿翠(叶童 饰),这是她买来供一班姑婆们养老用的。奸人坚用尽办法和阿翠斗气都没有拿到姑婆屋的屋契,于是,一条毒计又诞生了。
回复 :Jake Foley is a computer technician for the NSA who secretly longs for a chance to work on the field. Circumstance puts him in a top secret laboratory, in the middle of a shootout between security guards and a saboteur. During the battle, a vial containing an experimental serum explodes, covering Jake with shrapnel. But it turns out that the serum is actually nanomites, microscopic submachines that heal his injuries and alter his body. Upon discovering his new mind-boggling powers, Jake begins to operate at an atomic level, possessing superhuman strength, lightning-fast speed, heightened hearing, magnified vision and the ability to communicate telepathically with computers. The NSA soon realizes Jake is an untested asset and forms a Special Ops team with him at its core. As Jake finally realizes his dream of being of being a field operative, he must also contend with the return of would-be girlfriend Sarah Heywood, who is involved in a Congressional investigation which threatens to expose his operation.
回复 :出生于“老九门”世家的吴邪(李易峰 饰),因身为考古学家的父母在某次保护国家文物行动时被国外盗墓团伙杀害,吴家为保护吴邪安全将他送去德国读书,因而吴邪对“考古”事业有着与生俱来的兴趣,在一次护宝过程中他偶然获得一张记载过古墓秘密的战国帛书,为赶在不明势力之前解开帛书秘密,保护古墓中文物不受侵害。按照帛书的指引吴邪跟随三叔吴三省(张智尧 饰)、潘子(魏巍 饰)以及神秘小哥张起灵(杨洋 饰)来到鲁殇王墓探究七星鲁王宫的秘密。在古墓中吴邪结识了前来探秘的王胖子(刘天佐 饰)并救下身份不明的阿宁(唐嫣 饰),经过惊现刺激匪夷所思的事件之后,众人又发现了更多未解的谜团。吴邪等人在和不明势力斗智斗勇的同时又踏上了新的探秘之旅……