回复 :FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner is the prime suspect in a homicide involving a woman he was with the night of her death. Mulder and Scully are all he has to prove his innocence, as superior officers try to shut him down and the only clue is a mysterious old woman.
回复 :拆二代李大富一夜之间从城中村村民跃升为富豪阶层,但也带来新的苦恼----老爸勒令他找一个高学历高颜值的老婆来“改变家族基因”,实现从土豪到贵族的升级,但李大富无法判断潜在女友是否只是为房子而来,于是将房子低价出租,试图通过近距离的同租生活物色合适伴侣,由此阴差阳错引来了五个来自全国各地的90后。他们怀揣靠谱或不靠谱的梦想,一头扎进珠江新城,准备在此燃烧他们最美好的青春,上演“追梦者联盟”的动人故事。
回复 :关于Match的,他正在寻找一个室友,在一个新的公寓里合租一个大房间。但是有两个人同时联系他。Match有3周的时间来决定他会选择谁做他的室友。所以Match开始了一个名为# MateMatch # HelpMeChooseRoommate的YouTube VLOG,并要求观众投票决定他应该选择谁。这就是那三周的故事。It’s about Match, who’s looking for a roommate to share a big room in a new condominium. But there are two guys who contact him at the same time. Match has 3 weeks to decide whom he will choose to be his roommate. So Match starts a YouTube VLOG called #MateMatch #HelpMeChooseRoommate and asks the audience to vote whom he should choose. So this is the story during those 3 weeks.