反斗A mysterious nomad known as the "Artist" practices a dark art form passed down through the generations.
反斗A mysterious nomad known as the "Artist" practices a dark art form passed down through the generations.
回复 :After suffering a stroke, Judith Albright moves into a historic nursing home, where she begins to suspect something supernatural is preying on the residents. In order to escape, she'll need to convince everyone around her that she doesn't actually belong there after all.
回复 :影片《除妖传》加入网络流行元素以外,更是怀揣致敬经典之心,以87版聊斋为故事背景,大话西游的演绎形式,配上倩女幽魂式的人物设定,基于经典的同时升华影片的整个内容,彰显致敬经典的情怀。
回复 :影片由凯文·哥兹与迈克尔·哥兹执导,讲述年轻的警长诺曼(思韦茨饰),发现自己的哥哥罗伊(罗伯森饰)深陷人命要案后,选择包庇哥哥的罪行,等待兄弟俩的,也是充满危险,步步为营的命运。