回复 :自称“报纸男”的人悄然出现网络,他上传视频,宣称对一些行为不断的人或企业进行私刑处罚。起初网民们嗤之以鼻,谁知报纸男居然真的行动起来。报纸男的行径煽动了人们一颗颗被压抑已久的正义之心,他也得到了越来越多的粉丝。事实上,报纸男绝非一人,他是由“盖茨”奥田宏明(生田斗真 饰)、 “关西”葛西智彦(铃木亮平 饰)、“大雄”木村浩一(滨田岳 饰)以及“胖墩”寺原慎一(荒川良良 饰)组成。有着不同背景的四人沦落社会最底层,他们在远离城市喧嚣的地方曾见证过人间最残酷的一面,也缔结了浓浓化不开的友情。报纸男们携手对这个世界进行公审,而网络犯罪对策课的警部吉野绘里香(户田惠梨香 饰)则全力追查这几个男人背后的故事……本片根据筒井哲也的漫画原作改编。
回复 :玛丽安娜(Renée Faure 饰)从小立志成为一名修女,而在偌大的修道院中,没有任何一个人对待上帝能有玛丽安娜这般虔诚,因此,玛丽安娜成为了修女们眼中的异类。对于同伴们的嘲笑和奚落,玛丽安娜并不在意,侍奉着上帝的每一天都让她的内心感到无比的宁静和快乐。某一天,这种宁静被打破了,她听见了上帝的声音,让她帮助名叫泰莱斯(Jany Holt 饰)的女人。泰莱斯是一个妓女,犯了谋杀罪行的她为了逃避惩罚躲入了修道院中。对于玛丽安娜的照顾和关怀,泰莱斯置若罔闻,在内心里,她甚至不相信上帝的存在。终于,警察来到修道院逮捕了泰莱斯,玛丽安娜伤心欲绝。被逐出教会的她依然日日躲在教会后面的树林里祷告,终于患上不治之症。临死前,泰莱斯被带到玛丽安娜的跟前,在她憔悴虚弱的脸上,泰莱斯仿佛看见了上帝,也看见了自己的罪孽。
回复 :This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-force/army, etc. It's a very in-depth character study of the main character, who tries to fit into a world that she (now 'he') doesn't really understand, especially since she's now a man ... Stalin dislikes the results of the experiments and has the scientist killed. The main character then goes off to live a life as a simple, unknown everyday Soviet, but is inexplicably drawn into larger and larger schemes (somewhat reminiscent of "Forrest Gump" in that way). (s)He has run-ins with different important characters, including his ex-boyfriend from his days of being a woman, as well as going on a demented quest for the nurse with whom he possibly fell in love after the operation... However, he is trapped in his life as an important Soviet married man, and in the end makes a huge sacrifice for his country (unwillingly), and the movie goes from there to an ending that is possibly happy, yet still somehow incredibly depressing.