回复 :青年吴非凡听力超凡,与好友王杰龙利用自行开发的程序进行信息处理。他实质是非法组织的实验对象,自己毫不知情。而后他顽强反抗,在挽救生命、寻找真相的道路上,逐渐成长为富有责任感、道德感的青年
回复 :《突袭》是由加雷斯·埃文斯执导,由美国和印度尼西亚联合制作,于2012年3月23日在印尼上映。清晨特警Rama(伊科·乌艾斯 Iko Uwais 饰)做完祷告和训练,告别还没有起床的妻子去迎接一项特殊的任务。在雅加达的贫民窟的深处,世界上最危险的杀手和黑帮集结在一个坚不可摧的房子内。到现在为止,破旧的公寓甚至被神勇的警察也视为无法接近的。在黎明前黑暗和寂静的掩护下,一组身兼重要任务精英特警队与执法人员慢慢接近了房子,以便接近臭名昭著的毒枭。但他们袭击的消息被毒枭偶然发现,接着建筑物的灯光被切断,所有的通道被堵。这群特警必须要在世界上最残酷的环境下为生存展开搏斗......
回复 :Diz (Joel Courtney) is a reckless teenage drifter living life on the run. Abandoned by his parents as a child, he looks out for himself and doesn't accept handouts. He takes whatever he wants and runs. Jaded and determined to answer to no one, Diz lives a life marked by thievery and abandonment. Things change for Diz when he floats into a small town on the Snake River. There he is confronted by an unflappable old man named Marty and falls for Marty's guarded granddaughter, Selah. When Diz robs a local drug-dealing crazy, he becomes the owner of a giant pile of cash and the target of two vicious killers. With more money than he knows what to do with, and criminals at his heels, Diz puts the people he's learned to care about in danger, still trying to win Selah. But some things can't be stolen or bought. The River Thief is a film about guilt, self-sacrifice, and accepting life as a gift.