回复 :On November 25th, 1915, Einstein published his greatest work: general relativity. The theory transformed our understanding of nature's laws and the entire history of the cosmos, reaching back to the origin of time itself. Now, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's achievement, NOVA tells the inside story of Einstein's masterpiece. The story begins with the intuitive thought experiments that set Einstein off on his quest and traces the revolution in cosmology that is still playing out in today's labs and observatories. Discover the simple but powerful ideas at the heart of relativity, illuminating the theory-and Einstein's brilliance-as never before. From the first spark of an idea to the discovery of the expanding universe, the Big Bang, black holes, and dark energy, NOVA uncovers the inspired insights and brilliant breakthroughs of "the perfect theory."
回复 :尾崎美佐子(水崎绫女 饰)从事着一份特殊的职业,她的工作是将电影画面转化成文字写下来,再录制成音轨,为的是能让双目失明的盲人们亦能享受电影带给他们的无限想象和乐趣。近日里,美佐子的工作遭遇了瓶颈期,她所撰写的解说始终无法获得盲人观众的认可,更有一位名叫中森雅哉(永濑正敏 饰)的摄影师,不断的向她抛出尖锐的问题。实际上,中森并不是完全看不见,只是他的视力一天一天的减退着,坠入黑暗只是时间的问题。工作之余,美佐子来到中森家中拜访,发现了中森隐藏至深的温柔和脆弱的一面,两个同样陷入了困境之中的人,在摩擦和碰撞之中渐渐产生了火花。
回复 :丈夫因中风而性情大变,原本幸福的四口之家陷入混乱。一位美国神经生理学家获准进入了这个家庭,用摄像机记录和研究患者的康复情况,同时也卷入了一家人的情感纠葛……获奥斯卡最佳真人短片奖提名的导演史蒂芬·格林的长片处女作,以女性独特的细腻视角来表现家庭关系。影片精心打造了两男一女之间那种既亲密又疏离的关系,趣味而富有张力。随着三人之间关系的不断调整,形同陌路的夫妇最终获得了面对未来的勇气。