回复 :Michael (or Fresh as he's well known) is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded house with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum,but still meets with fresh on occasion to play chess. Fresh is rather quiet in a crazy world. Fresh' sister is a junkie who sleeps with the dealers that fresh sells for. As the story progresses Fresh realizes that he doesn't want to sell drugs anymore, he wants revenge.
回复 :影片讲述了在某舞蹈学校中,几名参加培训的年轻男女无意触碰了恐怖“午夜十二点”的禁忌,之后他们进入了这个学校最神秘的127无人宿舍,紧接着恐怖灵异事件接连频发:白衣游魂、床下鬼手、夜半钟声纷纷显现,发疯、死亡的诅咒时刻笼罩着他们,而后他们意外得知127宿舍竟然是该学校的恐怖禁地,凡是午夜十二点接近该宿舍的人都将受到诅咒,他们能够顺利逃脱这个恐怖诅咒吗?
回复 :《万圣节》定档两部续集曝光宣传片分别定名"杀戮"和"终结" 系列第12/13部新作两部新片分别定名《万圣节杀戮》(Halloween Kills)和《万圣节终结》(Halloween Ends),将先后于2020年10月16日和2021年10月15日北美上映。《万圣节》导演大卫·戈登·格林也将继续执导。