回复 :KITTY LOVE: AN HOMAGE TO CATS is a one-hour Dutch documentary (in Dutch with English subtitles) narrated by Abatutu, a feline "star" of Dutch stage and screen. Via self congratulatory narration voiced by, well, a human, Abatutu describes his talent and inevitable rise to the top. A news reporter provides some backstory as she interviews the cat's owner, an animal handler who does non-human casting for movies and other entertainments. Between snippets of that constructed narrative are cat home videos, hundreds of clips of cats demonstrating the ability to be endlessly absorbed by the complexity of rolls of yarn, the enduring wetness of water, and the towering terror of little white bunnies.
回复 :其貌不扬的博拉一共骗娶了12个老婆,目的是为了她们的财产.虽其貌不扬,可是很会温柔,也很机敏.他骗取钱财的目的是为了出国.一次,在火车上,他遇到了一个漂亮女人,于是,他又想出手.可是,他其中一个老婆的叔叔,警方,一个女骗子等等诸多人马出现了.....
回复 :文水市川剧团将出国演出名剧《真假如来》 。为了争到出国名额,人们立即开始了行动。地委书记的夫人、办公室主任洪向青首当其冲挤掉了地委张副书记的团长位置,并依靠权势,把跟艺术毫无关系的的赵部长、李局长拉来做副团长。心急如焚的处长包林当机立断挤掉主角跃艺,自己出演大肚罗汉,可不曾想这个机会被自己的上级范处长夺去了。失落的包林把事情捅到省委。跃艺在某领导支持下找到剧团。跃艺与范处长和先一步来的包处长,三个罗汉在后台你争我夺,令人哭笑不得。