日本A group of young friends from the Bronx fight to save their neighborhood from gentrification...and vampires.
日本A group of young friends from the Bronx fight to save their neighborhood from gentrification...and vampires.
回复 :Created by the monarch, Dukedoms are gradually becoming extinct - the last one was created by Queen Victoria. In this one-off documentary Michael Waldman meets some of the last vestiges of this level of British aristocracy, and asks what has become of those who remain.In 2012 South African Bruce Murray found himself becoming the 12th Duke of Atholl and heading up the only private army in Europe - the Atholl Highlanders.If Camilla Osborne had been a boy, she would have inherited her father’s Dukedom, but now there is no longer a Duke of Leeds.The Duke and Duchess of St Albans don’t have a stately pile, but do have their coronets and coronation robes.One of the few Dukes to still sit in the House of Lords, The Eighth Duke of Montrose (pictured) is a hill farmer by trade. He continues the family tradition of being intimately involved in the political relationship between Scotland and England.The Duchess of Rutland was determined to make Belvoir Castle an efficient business, living onsite in one wing, with her estranged husband the Duke living in another. Their elder teen daughters are prepared for when the title is passed down to their younger brother.Whilst at Blenheim Palace, Lady Rosemary Spencer Churchill, daughter of the 10th Duke of Marlborough, revisits her childhood home. Her nephew succeeded to the title only recently and it’s a rather a different Blenheim to the one she remembers.
回复 :一棟經營不善的鬼屋面臨倒閉的命運,屋主突發奇想,邀請一群倒楣的年輕人到鬼屋探險過夜,並安排許多嚇人的節目要讓他們永生難忘。受到屋主的慫恿,他們玩起了「碟仙」遊戲,原本無心的玩鬧卻意外釋放了強大的惡靈,肆意殘殺在場的人,鬼屋瞬間成了人間煉獄。倖存下來的人只能和屋主互相合作,在惡靈抓住他們之前逃出生天。
回复 :晚清光绪年间,岭南庆州府爆发百年不遇的特大瘟疫,病死乡民百姓无数。消息传到京城两宫太后的耳朵里,西太后命军机处大学士、户部尚书吴一铭为钦差大人,亲赴岭南,视察灾区,安抚灾民。正当吴一铭在庆州访疾问苦时,得知岭南有一世医老吉光济灾民、药到病除时,庆州地面又出现一奇特女侠。一天,女侠在自己蒙冤而去的父亲坟头祭奠时,偶遇一伙劫匪,打劫一行印有“老吉药铺”字样的镖车。女侠行侠仗义,一番交手击退劫匪时,镖师中剑身亡,留下几车白花花的银子。女侠所骥而来,在庆州府街头找到“老吉药铺”的老板老吉。此时,吴一铭的到来,让知府孙子玉如坐针毡。原来,孙子玉伙同药铺老板贺天章侵吞朝廷拨来的赈灾白银二十万两,并以此上贡京城一个叫“主公”的主子。为了避免女侠将上贡主公的白银丢失一事捅到吴一铭的耳朵里,孙子玉接受了贺天章的建议,采用“引蛇出洞”之计让女侠露面。谁料想,孙子玉的手下...