某高校新学期开学,纪神大一新生安澜(余心恬 饰)和引考港大失利而心情不好的朱静(陈美行 饰)、纪神朱静爱八卦的高中同学李家钰(徐歉 饰)以及家境优渥的富二代大小姐杨盼盼(付曼 饰)住进了传说曾死过人的314宿舍。女孩们性格各异,价值取向不同,因此大吵小闹不断。未过多久,李家钰向室友们讲起了这座宿舍楼鲜为人知的可怕传闻,女孩们不禁变得疑神疑鬼。中元节将至,阴气弥漫。安澜接二连三看到诡异景象,而神经一向过于紧张的朱静似乎也正趋向崩溃边缘。空无一人的走廊内,阴冷的脚步声正在逼近……
某高校新学期开学,纪神大一新生安澜(余心恬 饰)和引考港大失利而心情不好的朱静(陈美行 饰)、纪神朱静爱八卦的高中同学李家钰(徐歉 饰)以及家境优渥的富二代大小姐杨盼盼(付曼 饰)住进了传说曾死过人的314宿舍。女孩们性格各异,价值取向不同,因此大吵小闹不断。未过多久,李家钰向室友们讲起了这座宿舍楼鲜为人知的可怕传闻,女孩们不禁变得疑神疑鬼。中元节将至,阴气弥漫。安澜接二连三看到诡异景象,而神经一向过于紧张的朱静似乎也正趋向崩溃边缘。空无一人的走廊内,阴冷的脚步声正在逼近……
回复 :on~
回复 :Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded by a loving family (in stark contrast to Lee's own family background) they fall in love. This creates a new problem: how do they handle the upcoming trial?
回复 :A tourist group from India sets out on a vacation to only have their trip to turn into a patriotic mission. Will it end well for them?