亚洲Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest gastronomic competition in the world and, thus, try to defeat their opponents
亚洲Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest gastronomic competition in the world and, thus, try to defeat their opponents
回复 :《有病得治》是一部结合时下年轻人自黑心态,精心打磨的国产IP动画诚意之作。动画汇集了恶搞、吐槽、热血、陪伴等元素,是一部90后风格强烈的后黑风格动画。短小精悍。
回复 :一个中国典型的三口之家,八零后的父母——小头爸爸和围裙妈妈,一个调皮可爱的的大头儿子。他们生活在现代化的城市中,过着平凡并充满乐趣的生活。 小头爸爸是一个心怀童真的大小孩,爱面子又贪玩,在大头儿子眼中,小头爸爸更像是朋友,而因为大头儿子的存在,小头爸爸也跟着一同成长。在陪伴大头儿子成长的这段时光里,他们一起玩...
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