回复 :因意外穿越由人变狗的阿旺(郭富城 饰)偶遇职场情场处处不得意的江露(蓝盈莹 饰)。虽然初次见面时有些鸡飞狗跳,但阿旺的出现也让江露的生活悄悄发生改变...一段充满欢笑与泪水的故事就此上演。
回复 :The Cassini spacecraft was sent on its way to Saturn in 1997. Since then, she has travelled nearly four billion kilometers, delivered a probe to a toxic moon, discovered phantasmagorical structures on the planet's icy rings, studied the startling atmosphere on a tiny moon. Now, on a daring spiral orbit, Cassini will streak toward Saturn itself, streaming data to Earth before being torn apart.
回复 :HBO Max续订《说唱女团》第二季。