回复 :本片和特吕弗的《四百击》同被誉为法国电影新浪潮的开山之作。身无分文的街头混混米歇尔(让-保罗•贝尔蒙多)从马赛偷了一辆小汽车,驶往巴黎的路上,他因超速行驶被警察逮住,为了脱身,他开枪打死一名警察,来到巴黎后,他躲进当记者的女友帕特丽夏(Jean Seberg)处(躲避警方的通缉之外,他还想方设法讨回一笔卖车赚来的钱)。帕特丽夏去报社时,遇到警长,对方要她一有米歇尔的消息就打电话相告。对米歇尔,帕特丽夏心态复杂,一面深深为他对一切都无所谓的劲儿着迷,一面却嫌弃他太吊儿郎当。
回复 :New York pretentious Diana Sullivan is writing a series of articles on the theme of "family" for Cosmopolitan magazine. Primarily to keep an eye on her but also because of the personal connection, Diana invites her mid-teen daughter, Grace Sullivan, to accompany her on a trip to research the next in the series, dealing with their own family, most specifically a wing that lives deep in the backwaters of the Louisiana bayou, which has been largely overtaken by oil companies of late. They are most directly connected by brothers: Diana's grandfather Mike, and Joe, the patriarch of the Louisiana wing. Diana and Grace have never met their Louisiana relations, they in turn who do not even know that Diana and Grace exist. As difficult as it becomes, Diana and Grace are able to meet their Louisiana relations, led by Joe's widowed young wife, Ruth Sullivan, who acts as if Joe is still with them, who sees anything related to the city as suspect, and who rules her household with an iron fist to ...
回复 :Vasu, a young medico, after rescuing one of his patients from a murder attempt finds out that his pregnant wife is abducted, and the kidnappers demand the patient he saved in exchange for her safety.