回复 :据风靡全球的格斗游戏“街头霸王“游戏改编的真人版本,尚格 云顿主演,喜欢街霸的切莫错过!经逊将军掳走了六十三名解放工人为人质,威胁联军部队在七十二小时内交出二十亿赎金,联军基路上校与甘美将军查探比逊总部保垒地点企图救人,却因记者春丽把事情越弄越复杂。
回复 :威尔(比尔·米尔纳BillMilner饰)是个寂寞的乖小孩,他被家里管得很严,没什么朋友,又因宗教因素被严格限制娱乐,只能靠画画打发时间。偶然的机会,威尔结识了学校的“问题学生”卡特(威尔·保尔特WillPoulter饰),带着威尔进入另一个崭新世界,卡特第一次给他看了电视,带他作恶,还要他帮忙拍短片,完成自己的导演梦想。善良单纯的威尔成了卡特的小跟班,也渐渐开始发现摄影机的妙处,尽情发挥自己的想象力,但少年人的友谊总会埋下许多不安定因素,随着一个法国交换生的出现,似乎威尔和卡特的关系出现了裂痕……
回复 :Acclaimed filmmaker Leanne Pooley directs this insightful documentary examining the future of artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on our world. As computers continue to evolve at an ever-greater speed, soon they will have the capacity to design and program themselves. Without the help of humans, the next generation of computers will create new and smarter A.I. at an exponential pace. What will these technological developments mean for the future of mankind? Written by GFC Films