青春期Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
青春期Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
回复 :中年失意的儿子田力行(古天乐饰)在生活上遇到了重重危机:母亲病逝、工作不顺、妻子要求离婚。正处在这苦不堪言的困境中时,田力行79岁的痴呆父亲田一雄(吴镇宇饰)却突如一只再生的蝉,接二连三地脱皮并且不断变年轻——60岁、52岁、37岁、28岁、19岁。父亲一生中的六个阶段再现,也使得田力行穿梭了“六个爸爸”的六个年代,从未与父亲认真相处过的田力行重新认识了这六个阶段的父亲,从父亲波折的一生中,他似乎找到了自己的出路和重新起步的方向……
回复 :阿星(周星驰 饰)由赌神处学成归来,恰逢不甘心失败的大军集合中南海五大高手复仇,虽有龙五(向华强 饰)相助,但阿星与三叔(吴孟达 饰)仍被大军等人发功送至1937年的上海……阿星与三叔失散后意外击杀谋害许文强之凶手,得以结识丁力(吕良伟 饰),自此与祖父周大福(吴孟达 饰)留在丁力身边,丁力女友如仙(巩俐 饰)令阿星魂牵梦绕,却不知她是自己所中意女孩如梦(巩俐 饰)的孪生姐姐。川岛芳子意欲控制上海,于是网罗大军等人频频向丁力发难,并约定最后以赌局决定胜负,阿星由日本人手中涉险逃脱,终于赶上赌局,而决定这场赌局的关键,却是一个名叫“今晚打老虎”的神秘人物……
回复 :When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her beloved father is hiding a wealthy man in her family's silo in order to save their struggling farm, she is forced to choose between saving the man's life or protecting her family from the consequences of their actions. AMERICAN FABLE is a fairytale thriller set in the 1980s rural Midwest about a courageous girl living in a dark - sometimes magical - world.